I'm focused on helping a company manage and understand their data.

I specialize in data wrangling and data visualization and dashboards. Sports data sets are my favorites with which to work.

Well, is there water?

Dipping toes into the world of Kaggle

My first introduction to Kaggle Competitions was a provate project to attempt to predict the functionality of water wells in Tanzania. The original project is here and is run by DrivenData. Our cohort at Lambda School is using this to reinforce our learning of predictive modeling that we have been... [Read More]

Project Starting Point

My portfolio project will be an analysis on NFL salaries and in-game scoring for the 2017 season. I will analyze who is earning their salary based on how much the player aids in the final score of the games. [Read More]

My Journey Begins

Hello, and welcome to my magical data driven journey. I am switching gears and looking to dive into a new career of data science. So come along and enjoy the scenery as I learn and work on many new projects. [Read More]